There is no RECEIVE’n apart from a gift’n.
Once upon a time, in a remote part of a desert, a family of twelve, including the parents and grandparents, lived in a small settlement around a seven palm tree oasis. The oldest child, MiKi, had just turned 18 cycles. Like the rest of the clan, she had never ventured beyond the dunes. Filled with youthful bravado, she packed a sheepskin full of water, her bow and arrows, and her custom high-sided sandals, and set out towards the rising sun, eager to explore the unknown.
Three days later, after traversing dune after dune, she crested a dune to behold a sight that could only be described as a mirage-a thousand-palm oasis. The sheer magnitude of it left her breathless. Overwhelmed with a mix of exhilaration and incredulity, she ventured towards this marvel. As she descended the final dune, her eyes caught sight of a figure. It was a man, dressed and walking like her brother. The shock was substantial, for she and her family believed they were the sole inhabitants of the planet Every gift give has a giver. Every gift given is meant to be RECEIVEd. As the figure came nearer, she noticed a serene man who was older than she, a sight that brought a sense of calm and reassurance. Now, no more than 20 feet apart, he fixed his gaze upon her. MiKi, both curious and frightened, took a few steps back, her heart pounding in her chest. |
“Hello.” he broke the silence.
She replied,“Hello,” With no more introductions or social graces, he continued. “I have a strange story to tell you. I once was dead for three days; so dead I was put in a tomb.” Makala knew about tombs. Then he continued. “My father raised me from the dead, never to die again.” She was shocked, of course. “My father then told me to tell everyone that if they trust what I say next, it will also be their experience. What I mean is, father will raise you from the dead to never die again.” Strangely, he did not wait for a reply but turned and walked away. Miki paused to ponder what he had proclaimed and then out loud, but to herself said, ‘Yes! Sure. Why not?’ then eagerly ventured down to the oasis for refreshment and hopefully some fresh fish. |
Trusting in the promise of resurrection, she found peace. It was a serene acceptance, knowing that the outcome was beyond her control.
As for us, we may toil and strive, but the power to rise from the grave, early or late, is not in our hands. It is a comforting realization, akin to the wisdom found in the renowned prayer for serenity.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
In essence, the act of RECEIVING boils down to placing our trust in someone other than ourselves. We simply trust that they are capable and willing to fulfill their promises.
“But as many as RECEIVE Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,” (John 1:12 NASB77 emphasis mine)
As for us, we may toil and strive, but the power to rise from the grave, early or late, is not in our hands. It is a comforting realization, akin to the wisdom found in the renowned prayer for serenity.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
In essence, the act of RECEIVING boils down to placing our trust in someone other than ourselves. We simply trust that they are capable and willing to fulfill their promises.
“But as many as RECEIVE Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name,” (John 1:12 NASB77 emphasis mine)