The Spirit of God guides the soul to a path that is only explained by PASSION. For Christ, His PASSION was the cross at Calvary. For you, it may be playing the cello in such a way that onlookers cannot tell where one begins and the other ends. The union of PASSION and flesh via soul defines the moment where the ineffable becomes immanent.
Celebrate Focused LoveI had always wanted to write. But I’d soon discovered reasons why I could not accomplish my dream. Being strongly visually dyslexic and steeped in the science of phonics, my spelling became an art form in which the reader became as challenged as I. Then, with a dose of auditory dyslexia, just as a single piece of paper full of instructions would change before my eyes, so a phrase spoken, even a word, could transform its sounds into such a multiplicity of acoustic events you would acclaim it as multiple orchestral presentations drifting into the same words, but having different meanings.
Several people would applaud my creative phrasing and original analogies. Heck, I just couldn’t say them twice the same way. The demand ‘have attention to detail’ was as foreign to me as, well, a foreign language.
These deficits never diminished my desire to communicate my heart with others. Without the information age, with its Grammarly and other such devices, my heart was dumb. In juxtaposition, so is God’s challenge with our flesh. Even with the finest tuned flesh, it remains fixed to twisted efforts that only play transient sounds of selfish acts, clamoring for attention defined by others applauding our efforts. Without a keen glance at a soul facing the One facing it, the soul remains in the ‘dark ages’ unable to know its heart, much less express it. Even with the most skilled musicians, it takes a miracle put it all together. It is the conductor who transforms the event. By union, He introduces timing and adds spans of silence with furious interruptions dressed in crescendos needing emotional interpretation that can be distinguished as PASSION. |
My PASSION was a heart needing to be heard. God’s PASSION through my soul attached to His Spirit is His ever-present opportunity to exhibit His PASSION to others. For it is better for us to glance at God and remember that glimpse for a billion years than for us to absorb the applause from the whole world for all time.
Whatever anyone has ever said to you before, let me speak as plainly as possible concerning Father’s desire for you. Father has said, ‘LIVE!’
He has unhinged you from the tree of trying to be better, the best, or down right mean. Knowing a soul is nothing without a spirit driving it, He sent His Spirit to you in the form of trust. Where you once tried, now you trust. Where you once trusted in your efforts, you trust in His PASSION, His Son. In Him you are the instrument of choice and the sound of His voice to others as you take on, by faith, His PASSION of Love and let Him do His thing, love indiscriminately. |