Jesus continues His breathing the heart, life, and Spirit of LOVE, into the dead Race of Adam.
Why would He do that? So He can be recognized as the One who is breathing forth the heart, life, and Spirit of LOVE, through the Race of Christ. Do not be mistaken. He has one purpose for you and if you turn a deaf ear to this message you turn your back on God. 'Love one another just as I have loved you. How? By letting Me live your life.' Can you imagine? Your bleating has not gone unnoticed.
He seeks, finds, and restores your soul to His Spirit of Love. Every soul lost and dead to the Life of God, Life of Love, He has restored to an everlasting Love imitating His Son. All who spurn His Love are murderers of that Love, yet that very Love willingly suffers and dies among thieves hanging on their crosses of shame which they have arrogantly constructed upon which they set themselves and then demand mercy of the ignoring public. People continue to ask this one question as if it were a rhetorical statement that ends any argument of a God of Love, "If God is love, why is there so much evil in the world?" To which there is but one rhetorical question in reply. "If you are an independent spirit capable of loving better than God why do you lie, cheat, steal, covet, hate, and kill?" The parade of evil in this world is at the end of your arms. It is the work of YOUR hands. When you look at the blood of your hands and weep, know God has heard your cries. Love has no more pride than Light has of darkness. One is the one and the other, the other. Sin bears all its fruits from the root and shoot of effort. Love has no need to become, side with, nor exalt. Love does not create nor break the limit. One can as easily enclose the Light, or shut up the air of the world into one place, as to join with a political ideology. Love is the very fabric of limitlessness. Love never began nor will have an end. Those joined to Love as their very core-self have become elemental to the desire of God.
You are the anatomy of God. We are ALIVE with God Himself.
How we define life and death is most important. Being dead is flesh mindedness. Being alive is God mindedness. "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace," (Romans 8:6, NAS77) Note here is the Biblical definition of death and life. If you're heavenly minded, you ARE, right then, alive. If you ARE paying attention to the dictates of the flesh you are, right then, dead. In the future, I hope to speak more on that phenomena, but for today let us stay focused on being alive. Note above, if we pay attention (obey) the flesh we ARE dead. Note also "The last enemy that will be abolished is death." (1 Corinthians 15:26, NAS77) This means, Life and death exist in the here and now, but the goal of God is when we no longer listen to the flesh to obey it. Jesus didn't obey the flesh and now living in us has no intention of obeying the flesh. He is life and peace which means He is the embodiment of hearing/obeying Father. His mind stays on the Father Who both then and now expresses Father's desires. How then can we be ALIVE? "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23, NAS77) Receive the Gift of God, His Son. When? Each moment. Where do I receive Him? Into my mind, heart, and desires each moment of each day. Keeping one eye always on your heart of hearts and bowing to those desires initiated by God is life. That is being alive and that is who you are, not what you have. You are a soul who can know, prefer, and join in what Papa is doing. Nothing can exalt, or purify, but the Fire of Love. Not one thing has the power to change death into Life, mortal into immortality, humanity into children of God, but the person of Love templing in humanity rescuing the human soul from its limits. Love breathes the Spirit of God; its words and works are the inspiration of God. It speaks the Word and the eternal Word of God speaks Love.
All that Love can say, God says, because Love is God. Love is Heaven revealed to and in the Soul. It is the light, and truth about God. Love is infallible; it cannot err. Errors spring from the desire to become loving. Humans trying to look like God are the children of error. Those trusting Christ are the children of God. (1 John 5:9-13) Restatement of William Law by Dean Chicquette We have been looking, over the past week, how God manifests Himself as His human branches...through which God is made visible. In Old Testament days, His final revelation of who He truly is – love and nothing else – had not been clearly manifested to all. But He had manifested Himself in holiness, safety, prosperity, wisdom, and mercy but not fully as Love.
Even those who obeyed and trusted Him in a personal or natural way could see God acting with and through them. These men and women of the Old Testament are called the 'great cloud of witnesses' (see Hebrews 11-12:1). In their various ways, they manifested the Living God and His abilities made visible through people who trusted Him. In the end, all we are called to do is trust Him to accomplish His word through us as He pleases and in the way He chooses and always right on time. The renewed mind life is simply the life we have been describing every day for years, the “Not I but Christ” life, which as anything else, grows day by day in understanding and wisdom in us. But we don’t worry about tomorrow and what we will be tomorrow. Today Christ is our totality. He is directing our steps. Our bodies have long ago “been presented” as a perfect sacrifice, as God directs. We are fully sons, with “life in ourselves” even as Jesus said He had “life in Himself.” But we work only as Jesus worked: “I and my Father are one,” and, “The Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works.”
To read the whole article follow this link. God has adopted you. You were made a child of God, by God, and for God's good pleasure. He has accepted you before you were worth accepting. He did not accept your flesh-i because you are no longer a flesh-i but a Spirit-I by the fact that that I has been joined to the LORD. Everything it cost to legally accomplish this redemption was accomplished by God so that He can own you from start to finish, no one else can lay claim to you. That includes you. FACT! The state of having been forgiven was purchased by Christ Jesus. He took care of it. Now you have the wisdom that lets you know what Father God is up to. He has, in Christ, caused you to inherit all the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus proven by your having been sealed with Holy Spirit. You have been made alive in God Himself and graced with the GIFT of all gifts, Christ Himself. Because of this you are now a citizen and can say what you have as a citizen.
Simply put, you were dead, but now you are alive IN Christ Jesus. "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:" (Colossians 1:27, KJV) There is an awesome verse in Genesis where the Lord is speaking to Abram. Genesis 15:1 “I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward,” what a great reminder that we have Life (God Himself) and He is our reward, nothing can take that away from us. We will not believe the devil’s lies. His only power is trying to get us to believe lies. God has everything under control and He loves you. Even when life seems to be falling apart, the Truth is Jesus loves you and is working EVERYTHING for your good. It doesn’t matter how it looks at the moment. Jesus will give you sight to see through what appears to be defeat and you will see the Victory because He is always the victor. Jesus NEVER fails.
You are right now...
a citizen, which means you have a say in what Father does next. If I were to tell you I am remodeling my kitchen and ask you to sand down the cabinets you would have a say in how to do that task. Your skills would decide which sandpaper to use first, the direction of the sanding, and many other such decisions. But, you could not come up to me and say, 'I don't think we should remodel the kitchen'. God has declared what He is up to. He is reconciling the world to Himself and has given us the task of co-reconciling. (2 Corinthians 5:19-20) Now you are free to reconcile but you don't have the right to declare God is no longer reconciling the world to Himself. You are a citizen because you are in the Citizen of all citizens doing what He is still doing. He, in His new body, we who believe, is still reconciling the world to Himself. So, if your excluding people you are not a citizen. If you are bidding all to come to trust Christ, Who has accomplished your every need, you are, right now, by the acts of another reconciled. Equally, you are a citizen cashing in on the Bank of Heaven. |