From the cowardice that shrinks from new truths,
from the laziness that is content with half truths, and from the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth, O God of truth, deliver us. Once we get past the shock of Jesus asking us to trust Him as if He were God we can settle into learning exactly what He is asking us to trust Him for.
He wants us to know Papa’s house has a room for YOU. He would not have brought up the subject if it weren’t true. Also, He is the one decorating it for you…to your taste. Did you catch that. He is preparing a room for you. Not for us all like one big room, but for YOU. My wife’s office is right next to mine. Nothing looks the same. It is the same with her heaven which is right next to mine. She says it has no mansion only a universe to explore with mountains and flowers and all sorts of wildlife. Mine is a little less expansive but my address is right next to the throne of God and the river of life with a little cottage and a garden out front. Furthermore, for this to happen He MUST go away. Wow! There is plenty of rooms for you in my Father’s home. If that weren’t so, would I have told you that I’m on my way to get a room ready for you?" John 14:2 (DLT) I don’t know about you, but if someone tells me to trust them, I don’t. If you have to command me trust you, I expect something is up.
In this passage, Jesus, knowing he would be talking to many Deans, said up front, “Don’t get upset, anxious, or frightened.” Or "Don’t let what I have to say next throw you.” He continues, "If you are one of those people who trust in, rely on, and obey God, hang on, you can put that same trust, reliance on, and obedience toward me. In short, trust me!" Now that is a call to faith!REF 1 “Don’t let this throw you. You trust God, don’t you? Trust me.” John 14:1 (The Message) 2 Father cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already pruned by the word I have spoken to you. John 15:2–3 (DLT)
We have been pruned because we have produced fruit. What is the point. The point is that we are in Christ Jesus, we produce fruit, and Father knows how to get more out of us. Not surprisingly it is God Word that has already pruned us. Now that is union. Father is pruning Jesus by His word. We in Him are pruned. What Father is doing with His Son is what He has done in us. I remember a story of a young monk who’s mother died. He went to the head priest saying he could not remain faithful to a God who would allow such a thing.
The priest said, “I want you to go into the city and go house to house until you find one who’s never suffered a similar loss. When you do, have them fill this empty bowl with rice and bring it back to me.” A week later he returned with an empty bowl ready to keep his trust in God. We all suffer loss and we need not conjure good reasons for it. Instead we just continue to trust God who is all powerful and knows best. Not once today, after hearing of my mother’s passing have I needed to go to town to get my bowl filled nor conjure a good reason why this had to happen in my lifetime or in this way. No instead, I remember and celebrate… The Lord is my light and my Jesus— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of what shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 (DLT) If we fail to trust that He is able, we cannot and do not walk, live, or act in concord with the Spirit. The will of God lives forever as the cause of every effect. One who is attached to God’s will lives forever. God’s will for humanity is to become attached to His Son through trust in His ability to transform death into life.
Hurray! We get to do God’s will. “The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.” (1 John 2:17 NAS) See 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 (NIV)
Really, this is enough said. Receive the peace that passes understanding and simply do not let your hearts be troubled. Notice, Jesus left His peace with you. Just pick it up and let it do its works. What is this IT? Nothing other than His Holy Spirit. The world gives peace by promising a trouble-less life. Christ promises peace by giving you His life, right now, in you…ready to get out of you. Let Him meet each challenge and then let Him manage the same. If you do, you're in for a ride that ends, even in this life, in the lap of God. See This is God’s work. This is the spiritual content of our day. Anything less than this, which may be involved in our profession of the Christian faith, falls short of the divine purpose. We see therefore that Jesus Christ himself, indwelling us by His Holy Spirit, reasserting his divine sovereignty in every area of our human personality, constitutes true manhood and true maturity. Then supremely, our commitment is to Him, and to Him alone in order that we might be ‘mature man’ as God intended man to be. This is our supreme commitment and priority number one. What motivates you to give thanks to God?
In times like this, people often give thanks to God as some sort of appeasement to God to satiate their fears. Like some sort of sacrifice meant to initiate a sense of peace and put reason on an otherwise unreasonable event. We can also submit praise as an exalted form of humility. Like saying to ourselves, “I'll praise Him even though He doesn’t deserve any praise.” Here is the problem, our thinking praise must have a reason. But scripture says... 1Th 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. If we are to praise Him in every thing then there is no one event that can initiate praise. Because of this, praise becomes a celebration that God is in control and we get to exalt Him in the face of all joy and every sorrow alike. I do not know what your day brings, but I know the ONE who authors it and every event leading to it and every outcome from it. I praise Him because there is none else to praise, rely on and trust in every situation. Praise is in fact just calling God, GOD. Praise GOD! Bless your wife; as she bears about in her body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the LIFE of Jesus might be made manifest in her mortal flesh. Depression is very hard, but never forget it is He who is at work in her both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
Paul said if I am in my right mind it is a ministry for you, if I am out of my mind it is a ministry to God..... Although I do not know her path personally, I do see the Spirit of God filling up in her that which is behind of the sufferings of Christ, for it is our good pleasure to give our bodies to Him, which is our reasonable service. By the grace of God we walk on water and are not consumed by it. |