“It is manifest, that no one can fail of the Benefit of Christ’s Salvation, but through an unwillingness to have it" (The Spirit of Prayer - William Law)
Remember the Country Western song lyrics saying, 'everyone wants to go to heaven but not today'? That is the heart of sin, the unwillingness to so embrace Christ now that by the time we get to go to heaven we have been transformed into His tempers. We all would joyfully have Him usher us into OUR eternal joys, and especially not at the expense of losing our earthly joys. But in reality we do not want to enter into His eternal joys but enter into ours, on steroids.
Here, in this life, as we walk out His love, we can rejoice in His sovereignty over every second of our existence and walk in His expressed desires for our love opportunities. After a lifetime of being the blessed ones of the beatitudes, we will be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect, loving everyone without prejudice.
If He is to save you, it must be in this life, for it is here we have the ability to live His love and become accustomed to the rare Breath of Heaven. Here is where we join His loving and forsake our idols, those things that bring us joy other than Christ Himself. To have His tempers formed in your heart is the salvation of Christ.
"But if you will not to want to have His Tempers brought forth in you, if your faith and desire does not seek, and cry to Christ for them with the same depth, as the lame asked to walk, and the blind to see, then it must be said you are unwilling to have Christ to be your Savior." (The Spirit of Prayer - William Law)
But if you seek His heart with all your heart, His ways become your ways and His desires your desires. How did Jesus learn these tempers of Father? By the things He suffered! You too will suffer this life. Those things you gain cause the pain, not remove it. Why not suffer Love's loving. Then you will be prepared to experience that Eternal Love.