Forgot to look into your eyes
As if I was meeting you for the first time Or not leaning over really close To catch your every word Nor enjoying the warmth of you Snuggling up within my space And forgetting You just want to be near Yes, I have ignored you taking time out of your living To enjoy my life Forgive my hearing your story As an addendum to mine Or ignoring your touch As if it were out of time And my clamoring to be seen When I forgot your face I heard your pain and saw your tears But hid my tears for shame Forgive me for turning my music up so loud I could not hear myself much less Seeing your dancing to my tune And see your oneness dressing my loneliness And for so trying to get noticed I forget to notice you. I have counted my own breaths Forgetting why I breathe Even how I breathe Watching your story unfold I was too busy to see it How it fit with mine Then you touch me again Ignoring the past Forgive me for letting you Experience the dark All alone Lost in it And my not even shouting in Nor listening for an echo Broken by your call Broken by your whimper And most of all Forgive me for not loving you Dedicated to the Jesus who has walked with me in the form of Linda for 53 years on her 76th birthday. I love you Linda! |